031 - 🏙️
Over time, we grow our tastes, we shape our preferences. Aesthetics have the power to inspire us and others to grow even further, to strive and to reach for something better.
The cities we live in, and their respective aesthetics, become part of our identity. Even if we didn't decide it. For most folks the circumstances leading up to adulthood dictate where they end up living.
The visual representation of a place may be a reflection of something deeper.
In the city where I live, I can't help but notice an aesthetic of clutter and neglect. This plus a healthy dose of apathy creates an environment that feels a bit depressed.
Clutter and neglect, is it curated or adopted? The lack of attention and care leads to a visual condition that might be reflecting something deeper. Could it be the networks of unconnected people living amongst each other? Temporary residents or shoppers from neighboring communities using the city rather than growing with it? I don't know.
One thing is for certain, it's portraying a story that doesn’t accurately depict its true potential - The opportunity!
Aesthetics have a profound impact on our experiences, emotions and behavior - is there redemption for a city struggling to find its self-worth? Apathy's become the norm and it's what I know, so, still not free from it's grips. I must say, its not so bad! could be worse!... but I have a pretty strong inkling it could be a whole lot better!
Have a good one!