029 - I can't believe it's not butter!
Why is it important to be real when I can fake it? - Throw on Apple’s googly eye goggles and walaa! - everything is beautiful - without having to do anything about it. For $5.99 I can download the “clean my room app” or for $4.99 a month I can get the “make everyone around me beautiful app”
We really have this world tamed, don’t we?
It’s too bad we can’t do something about the smell…
Apple’s face computer - What an innovation! I’m sincerely excited to see what it will bring. I mean, my gut reaction to the thing is fear and a bit of disgust, but maybe I’m missing the point. I must not be the target demographic.
Demographics give us a pretty good idea of what our perspectives will be on a given situation, but they can’t be 100% accurate, can they? We all have our own unique talents and unique viewpoints. To hold back and put on a mask is to rob others of your true self. The way you show up is one of a kind.
I’ve just mixed ‘I can’t believe it’s not butter’ with butter and now I don’t know what to believe!
You’re a rare specimen, the only one like you, and only you can offer your 2 cents, so maybe it’s time to share. To own who you are and accept yourself.
Have a good week! :)